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Future Food Future Food
6th May, 2022

Swegreen to Participate in the New Nordic Future Food Expo

Swegreen will have a large booth and deliver a presentation when the Swedish and Nordic food industry gathers for the brand-new Nordic Future Food 2022 expo and conference.

Right inside the entrance of Kistamässan, Swegreen has set up an eye-catching booth, and company representatives will be present for meaningful discussions on both Wednesday, May 11, and Thursday, May 12, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

A Brand-New Meeting Place

Nordic Future Food 2022, held at Kistamässan, provides the food industry with a common meeting place for this vital sector—Sweden's third-largest industry. The expo will run for two intensive days, featuring exhibitors, industry professionals, speakers, and startups, all focusing on innovations and production that showcase future possibilities for the entire food industry.

Swegreen Takes the Stage

Swegreen is honored to open the expo on Thursday, May 12, when our Chief Innovation Officer, Sepehr Mousavi, will take the stage at Nordic Future Food from 9:45 AM to 10:15 AM. He will deliver an exciting presentation on the theme "Future of Farming."

A Wealth of Interesting Names

Nordic Future Food is Sweden's and the Nordic region's premier expo and conference for the future of food and food production. It is the perfect venue for engaging discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities. Among the notable participants are Anders Svensson, CEO of Ica Sweden, Johan Augustsson, CEO of Lidl, and Anna Wallenberg, CEO of Reitan Convenience Sweden.

Read more about the expo:

Sepehr Mousavi Sepehr Mousavi

Sepehr Mousavi
Chief Innovation Officer Swegreen
Thursday 12 may 9.45 AM - lecture ”Future of Farming”

Karta Nordic Future Food 2022 Karta Nordic Future Food 2022