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13 SEP 2022

Our new mighty but small one

Now we broaden our portfolio and proudly present our newcomer Swegreen Saga. A high-tech but small-scale unit that gives approximately 70% of all Swedish grocery stores the opportunity to offer their customers hyper locally and sustainably produced leafy greens, salads, and herbs. With no need to set aside more floor space than 5-7 square meters, a grocery store can grow and harvest between 60-120 crops a day, year-round, in the middle of their store and fruit and vegetable department!

Market calls for smaller units

"We have successfully established collaboration on in-store farming with retailers and larger supermarkets around Sweden. But there was also a great demand for smaller growing solutions, as now many of Sweden´s retailers have and are realizing the advantages of having in-store farms for being more attractive, sustainable and to make profit" says Pierre Mohlin, CEO of Swegreen.

Swegreen Saga is a unique, innovative solution that does not require much of the store’s valuable floor space, as the cultivation can be integrated with the store´s existing display solution.

"Just like all our other solutions, Saga will provide some opportunity for tailor-made adaptation for our customers. But the fundaments of our cultivation system are the same, with the similar unique advantages that is characterized thorough our innovation" adds Pierre.

An optimal growing condition in a controlled-environment farm

The growing platform, which is placed on top of the existing or new display solutions in stores, provides a unique customer experience and a feeling that this store is at the forefront of the green transition. The small farm is completely closed and gives Swegreen a complete controlled environment where our crops grow in a very optimized and perfected conditions compared to traditional farming methods. The crops will be supplied with captured carbon dioxide from the store’s air for boosting their photosynthesis and yes, no pesticides are needed!

"It’s satisfactory to be able to respond to the market´s call for smaller In-Store cultivation models, after a couple of years of intensive research and development. Swegreen Saga is the result of diligent work where the focus has been on developing innovative and green-tech solutions to meet today´s social and environmental challenges"
"In our innovation lab, Swegreen X, the focus is on testing, experimenting, simulating, developing, and applying new technologies, this is where we keep innovating at the edge! We are proud to be at the forefront of the industry of vertical farming and controlled-environment farming, with progressive know-how and advanced intelligence" says Sepehr Mousavi, Swegreen’s Chief Innovation Officer and Head of Research.